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Learn How to Market to the Senior Citizens!A lot of marketing seems to be targeted at people younger than 50. Sadly, this is a huge mistake. Baby boomers and seniors make up a huge market today. Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1965, and those who are older and who are senior citizens, own over 70 percent of all disposal income. When you consider that fact, it’s a huge untapped market. Compared to younger populations, seniors have a much higher net worth than their younger counterparts. Mostly, this is due to investing and saving and having a long work life. This makes them a ripe market for smart business owners who have products and services of interest to senior markets. The idea behind being a senior citizen isn’t as important as discovering the makeup of your audience, which is based on the solution you’ve created for them. For example, if you have a house cleaning service, you can market to all levels of seniors, but you should focus on one to make your marketing more customer centered. Remember, the general rules of marketing still apply - no matter what market you’re going after. Find out what they need and want, and where they hang out, and provide it to them where they are in formats that they can navigate and understand. It’s really that simple, with minor adjustments that will allow you to create laser-targeted information for your audience.

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